Welcome to the Goddess Quest!
Find, hide, share, CONNECT, keep, gift, re-gift, be inspired!
Next you can…
Hide her.
Re-hide your Goddess in one of your favorite locations…might be a trail head, outside a restaurant, under a beloved tree. You get the idea. You can leave clues to her location on social media or just leave her Easter Bunny style and wait for serendipity to do what it does!
Gift her.
If you know of someone you think could use the blessing of this Goddess, then by all means gift her. These taliswoman are meant to journey, and they will each find their way to where they are needed. Trust that she knows where to go.
Keep her.
If this little figure feels meaningful to you or you think she may find respite in your home then by all means please keep her as my gift to you for as long as she brings you joy. One day if she needs to find a new home just re-hide her for the next person who needs her blessing.